Hi There, I'm

Elijah Horton

Full-Stack Software Engineer & Game Developer


About Me

As a long-time web application and game developer, I've touched all facets of development from design to deployment.

  1. Backend web development in PHP/Laravel,Python/Django, and Node.js.
  2. Frontend development in Vue 2/3, React, Angular, Tailwind, Bootstrap, Foundation and more.
  3. Desktop development in C/C++/C#/Electron for Windows/Mac/Linux.
  4. Game development in GameMaker Studio and Unity, released on Windows/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS.
  5. Mobile application development for Android/iOS in Capacitor/Ionic.
  6. DevOps in AWS, Azure, Heroku, Sentry, Planetscale, GitHub, GitLab, and more.

Years experience


Years consulting

How Can I Help?



From Wordpress to a complete customized, globally load-balanced web application, I can help your business reach anyone.



Targeting mobile, desktop, web, or VR, and from design to deployment, I can help you take your game from concept to completion.



From integrating AI into your workflows, or moving your business into the cloud, I can help take your business to the next level.

Contact Me

    How Can I Help?

    Always available for freelancing if the right project comes along. Feel free to contact me.

    323 Clifton Street, Suite 15 Greenville, NC 27858